Your Portfolio Series: Create a Writing Portfolio From Scratch

For writers, it can be overwhelming to think about creating a portfolio, but it’s absolutely necessary to have a prepared set of clips to showcase your past work. Not only do freelance writers need them as a means of drumming up new clients…

How To Build an Impressive Personal Brand Online

Building a brand isn’t just a smart idea, it’s critical if you want to get hired as a designer or copywriter these days. In the age when most of what we do stays online forever, and potential employers can find you in a matter of seconds vi…

Marketing and Virtual Reality: A Look At 4 Exciting Trends

You may think of VR as something left to tech firms, but the truth is it’s entering consumers’ daily lives faster than you’d think. With this growth, it means virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are rapidly becoming part of the …

9 Tips to Ace the Interview and Land the Job [Infographic]

The average length of an interview is 40 minutes. It’s hard enough trying to show a hiring manager who you really are and prove yourself capable of excelling in a role, not to mention in such short time. How do you ensure those 40 minutes i…

9 Tips to Ace the Interview and Land the Job [Infographic]

The average length of an interview is 40 minutes. It’s hard enough trying to show a hiring manager who you really are and prove yourself capable of excelling in a role, not to mention in such short time. How do you ensure those 40 minutes in front of your potential employer are the most dynamic 40 minutes possible? Here are nine pro tips to help you ace the interview and land the job.

Looking to break into Content Strategy?…Content Academy can help!


I’m always eager to learn about ways professionals and students can continue their education and keep their skills sharp—without incurring debt! WunderLand recently hosted a Lunch and Learn here at our offices with Rebecca Steurer, co-founder of Content Academy. Her mission is to build a sense of community for Content Strategists. She and her business partner, Scott Winterroth, have established a place where folks looking to either transition their careers into Content Strategy or students wishing to improve their marketability can meet and grow their skills.