Strategies For Hiring Exceptional Employees

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Do you feel a pang of concern each time you need to launch a candidate search? Do you worry about taking on a long, costly, and arduous process — only to bring someone on board who ultimately doesn’t mesh with your organization or leaps to another opportunity at the drop of a hat?


Any concerns you have are not unwarranted. The annual turnover rate for various industries holds steady at close to 19% and costs about $4,000 per hire. According to some studies, replacing an entry-level position can cost as much as 40% of an employee’s salary.

How to Hire Quality Employees
: 5 Tactics 


It is time to remove the worry from the hiring process for you and your dedicated HR team. Here are five strategies to help with how to recruit employees effectively to keep them happy and on board for the long term.


  1. Provide a thorough description of the position before hiring an employee.
    After meeting with your hiring team and the respective department manager, construct a clear and detailed description of the position to offer candidates. Together, staff should perform a job analysis that allows you to collect and effectively organize information about the duties, needed skills, expected outcomes, and work environment of a particular job within your organization.

    This information allows you to develop a strong job description that provides prospective hires with all the information they need, helping to eliminate possible misinterpretations about the nature of the job. Your business is then left with only the most appropriate candidates for a given position.

  2. Gather your hiring team to develop strong employee recruitment strategies for each candidate search. Using your detailed job description as a key tool in the process, set up an employee recruiting planning meeting, which includes managers, supervisors, and team members who are involved with the hiring of the new employee. This step requires further discussion of the job description, as well as hard and soft traits desired in prospective employees.

    For example, is an advanced degree desired or required? Are you allowed to expand the search out of town or state, if necessary? Setting these types of parameters of your search early will help simplify the process. You can reduce the need for future meetings and extensive communication among multiple team members.

  3. Develop a plan for group interaction between each strong candidate and key staff members.
    If corporate culture is a crucial consideration in your organization, arrange some sort of meet-and-greet for candidates with managers and employees within the prospective department. Here, you can see potential hires with their guards down, interacting in an environment that may more closely resemble their daily work life, once hired.

    You instantly gain understanding into candidates’ personality and a more genuine preview of their character, working knowledge, communication skills, and level of overall interest in the position — as well as how they connect with potential co-workers.

  4. Review each candidate’s social media pages for insightful information.
    Smart candidates will likely do some cleanup to their various social media pages during a job search. However, you can still discover all kinds of important information about prospective hires.

    Take the time to review social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for information as basic as how well they communicate simple ideas. You can learn about the quality of their grammar skills, critical thinking, and means of expressing personal ideas and differences of opinion with respect and courtesy.

  5. Attend events in addition to job fairs.
    Many times, job fairs are industry-based. You might go head to head with your immediate competitors for today’s top talent for crucial roles you need to fill on a large scale. Investigate local events that aren’t traditionally recruiting-oriented to tap into new talent in your organization’s area. Search forums such as Meetup, or even Facebook, to find group events that may be well-attended by people qualified for and interested in your open position.


Remove Some Pressure by Relying on Our Employee Recruitment Strategies

If you still require additional information and ideas about how to recruit employees effectively, a recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) firm may be just what your business needs. 


Advanced RPO has the resources and specialization to offer you a streamlined hiring process and a huge list of employee recruitment strategies that work. Our experienced professional recruiting team can help ease your hiring burdens by performing a combination of fundamental and creative tasks to find the right candidate every time. 

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